Most Cash Advance companies require you to process credit cards in order to fund your business. Is there an alternative? Our ACH (Automated Clearing House) cash advances are based solely on your businesses monthly revenue and cash flow. This program allows you the opportunity to receive up to 150% of your monthly revenue in as little as 3 hours. You may be eligible for a unsecured cash advance up to $1,000,000.
The payback terms for our business cash advances and loan products are easy to understand, and repayments are simple. There are no compounding interest rates or late fees & Payments are debited automatically allowing you more time to focus on your business. The ACH Funding Program gives you flexibility, privacy and buying power when your business needs it the most. Our easy terms and fast processing allow you to not only quickly get the cash your business needs, but to be able to conveniently pay it back as well.
Automated Clearing House (ACH) is a network of banks and financial institutions for debit and credit electronic financial transactions in the United States. ACH payments include: direct deposits, payroll and vendor payments.